The College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) started implementing the revised curricula in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSAC) and in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) this school year, in compliance with CHED Memorandum Orders No. 3 (2007) and No. 39 (2006), respectively.
The salient features of the new BSAC curriculum are: a ladderized program that awards the BS in Accounting Technology (BSAT) degree after four years and advances qualified students to the fifth year for the BS in Accountancy degree; emphasis on the learning of concepts, principles, facts, standards and procedures; and focus on the acquisition of professional skills, values, ethics and attitudes to enable students to adapt easily to constant change, become business leaders and attain organizational success.
The new BS in Business Administration curriculum which aims at keeping pace with the demands of local and international business environment and making graduates globally competitive has adapted an integrated approach to the functional areas of business.
It is also an interdisciplinary and problem-focused program that addresses contemporary organizational issues like global competition, continuous quality improvement, good governance, and relationship between organizations and various environmental forces, and is sensitive to the economic, social, technological, legal and international environment in which business operate.
A distinct feature of the new program is that majority of the upper level courses have a practical project component that provides students an opportunity to apply problem-solving theories and concepts learned in the classroom to real situations, and meet business professionals and learn from their experience.
The CBAA BSBA program offers fields of specialization in Human Resource Development Management (HRDM), Marketing Management (MM), and Business Economics (BE).
The revisions were based on the UNCTAD Global Accountancy Curriculum (Revised 2003), the 150-hour accountancy curriculum in the United States, the curricula of top accountancy schools worldwide, the core competencies required from accountancy graduates as communicated by business and industry, the IFAC International Education Standards which is mandatory to all IFAC member bodies effective 2005, and the best practices of top accountancy schools worldwide.